Today, we’re inundated with email marketing campaigns, and yes, some of it still feels spammy, but there’s no denying the impact a well-crafted message can have on your patients.
If you break down any successful email marketing campaign, you’ll find more than one or two things that made it a hit. Everything from targeting the audience to personalizing emails will play a role. If you aim to have a successful email to launch your campaign with a high success factor, you’ll need to do some or all the following:
Define your audience before you start
No matter what you are promoting, it would be best to have a clear idea of your target audience. Various software tools allow you to dig a little deeper to segment users within your audience to send them personalized and targeted emails meant for their age or conditions. This helps increase engagement, build trustful relationships, and generate more significant ROI. There may be times when you’ll want to send to your entire patient list, and times you may only want to communicate with patients 40 years of age or older. The more relevant and personalized emails to your recipients—and the more relevant the campaign, the better the results.
Design your campaign for easy reading
When designing email campaigns, focus on your message and keep your design straightforward. We suggest laying out all the elements for your campaign in a hierarchy, putting your most important information or the main takeaway toward the top so people can quickly scan your email if they’re short on time. Always end with a call to action, so the people receiving your email know what to do.
Increased screen sizes and resolutions mean more opportunities for improving your responsive email design. If you read your email regularly using a phone, you probably know that it’s an experience ranging from excellent to awful. While an email newsletter can look superb in a PC inbox, it can become unusable when squeezed onto a small screen with small fonts, narrow columns, and broken layouts being common issues.

Preview and test your campaign
Make sure every email message sent is displaying correctly. Double-check that each of your messages look the way you want them to, by first sending them to employee accounts. Preferably, it would be best if you viewed them in several different email clients and providers (like Outlook, Gmail, and Yahoo), as well as on a variety of mobile devices.
Track your data
After sending your campaign, the next step is tracking the success. Keep a keen eye on your data, like how many email addresses were undeliverable, how many emails were not opened. Track your email campaign success in real-time with integrated analytics that shows your delivery rate, open rate and clicks. With split tests, you can understand which content gets the best results to optimize future email marketing campaigns. It’s all good and well-sending email campaigns, but what is the goal, and how do you measure if it was a success or not. Email campaigns now have software built in to give you more insight into the success of your campaign
In conclusion
Email marketing is one of the most effective channels available to businesses today. Still, if you’re not optimizing your email campaigns for conversion, you could be missing out on valuable clicks, sales and revenue for your business.
So next time you are creating an email marketing campaign, whether it be a newsletter, marketing offer or announcement, apply these four fundamentals to get better results for your practice.