Spectrum Eye care software v 5.8 release – New Eyemail included for Premium users
As part of our ongoing commitment to our Spectrum users, Eyemail v.2.0 has expanded to meet the requirements of your patient’s needs. Additional categories and information is now accessible to educate consumers about the best lens choice for their condition and your recommendation. Delivering information directly to the patients smartphone whilst they are on the go expands the patient-practice relationship beyond the consulation room – increasing loyalty and starting a digital relationship.
“It’s only a question of time before the online optometric retail space is saturated by super-sites as popular among consumers as Amazon, YuppieChef or TakeAlot. In order to secure the practice-patient relationship, it is of the utmost importance that practitioners build a digital relationship with each patient beyond the consultation room chair. Eyemail is the first step.” , says Russell Meyer, CEO & co-founder of Spectrum Eyecare.